Sunday, November 28, 2010

Giving Up~~~

Hmmm...during this really happens a lot of things...something thats makes me feel that whatever i do...and however i do very best...all the rewards is for other people...i was totally sad about this...really sad...i ever try to think positively...i ever think that helping other people is a good thing...but,sometimes i really feel that i was a stupid...i feels like i was a dog and keep on helping people to do stuff for free...and sometimes i even harmed after i was helping peoples...I dunno what should i do...i really tired and was like want to give up...really...feels like want to cry...


  1. hey i feel the same actually, i have many things to tell you when you told me your thought that you wanna give up. find time, we talk yeah? btw, you need hug, i can give you one big one! haha i miss natasha big hugs too xP

  2. Hmmm...ok...find a time...we chit chat...=)...thanks thanks...i miss her hugs hugs too...XD
